Word Meanings!

Robert E. Schoenle


The word “Messiah” means, “The Anointed One” in the Hebrew language. The word “Christos” means “The Anointed One” in the Greek language.

The word “Christ” means, “The Anointed One” in the English language. The word “Gospel” means, “Good News.”

The word “Life” means, “Connection” or “Union.”

The word “Death” means, “Separation” or “Departure.” The word “Hope” means, “Confident Expectation.” The word “Angel” means, “Messenger.”

The word “LORD” means, “Self-Existent One.” The word “Lord” means, “Master.”

The word “Holy” means, “Separation” or “Setting apart.”

The word “Feast” means, “A set time” or “Assembly, place of assembly.” The word “Jubilee” means, “A blast of a trumpet.”

The word “Repent” means, “ A change of mind” or “To have another mind.”

The word “Sin” means, “Falling short of God’s standard of perfection” or “To miss the mark.” The word “Disciple” means, “One instructed” or “Learner.”

The word “Apostle” means, “A delegate” or “One sent forth.” The word “Baptize” means, “Identified” or “Identify with.” The word “Grace” means, “Unmerited favor.”

The word “Apostasy” means, “A falling away” or “Defection.”

The word “Heresy” means, “Doctrinal departures from revealed truth” or “Erroneous Views.” The word “Church” means, “That which is called out.”

The words “The fear of the LORD” is an O.T. expression meaning reverential trust including the hatred of evil.

The word, “Heart,” as the chief organ of physical life came to stand for man’s entire mental and moral activity, both the rational and the emotional elements. In the O.T., the heart, in its moral significance includes the emotions, reasons, and will. Heart, as used in the N.T. refers to all the physical, spiritual, and emotional concepts imagined by mankind.